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浙大新办学术期刊FQS成功 举办“食品品质与安全”国际研讨会

发布时间:2017-05-02来源:中国日报作者:夏平 1192

4月19日-21日,由浙江大学最新创办的英文学术期刊Food Quality and Safety(简称FQS),成功举办了“食品品质与安全”暨第四届“果实品质生物学”国际研讨会。



大会第一阶段由我校出版社袁亚春总编辑主持,新西兰皇家科学院院士Ian Ferguson博士致欢迎辞,浙江大学校长助理/浙江大学科研院院长/FQS 主编陈昆松博士、欧洲科学院院士/FQS主编Mondher Bouzayen博士分别向参会来宾介绍了浙江大学和新刊FQS。

会议安排了4个key note speakers,之后分“果实品质”与“食品科学”两个会场分别进行了学术报告会。


FQS是由浙江大学主办、牛津大学出版社与浙江大学出版社合作承办,于2017年创刊,全英文农业-食品在线OA国际学术期刊,面向国际一流,旨在创建从农业生产到食品健康领域的国际权威交流平台,引领并推动世界在食品品质与安全领域的深入发展,为人类健康做出卓越贡献。期刊针对当前全球食品产业及消费者的共同关注点——食品品质与安全,覆盖从农田到餐桌的整条产业链,包括食品原料、贮藏保鲜、食品加工、食品工程等各个研究领域。期刊采取双主编制,国内主编为“十二五”国家863“食品制造与安全技术”主题专家、浙大求是特聘教授陈昆松博士,国际共同主编为欧洲科学院院士、欧盟食品与农业科技合作行动委员会主席、法国图卢兹大学特级教授Mondher Bouzayen博士。




International food scholars participate in the FQS conference

ezhejiang.gov.cn Updated : 2017-04-25

The International Conference of Food Quality and Safety & The 4th Fruit Quality Biology, sponsored by Zhejiang University Press and Oxford University Press, was held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on April 19–21.  

The conference, held by Zhejiang University Press' journal of Food Quality and Safety (FQS), aims to provide an international platform to highlight emerging science and technology in the agro-food field; update research progress in food quality and safety, food nutrition and human health; and stimulate and promote academic exchanges between scientists around the world.  

More than 200 attendees, including the editorial board members of the brand new open access journal FQS, from countries and regions across the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, US, UK, EU, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore and Thailand, attended the conference.  

The opening presentation was given by Kunsong Chen, editor-in-chief of FQS and dean of the Sci-Tech Academy of Zhejiang University, who briefly introduced the research of Zhejiang University. “We hope to build a world-class, comprehensive, innovative research university,” he said.  

Mondher Bouzayen, a member of the European Academy of Sciences and also editor-in-chief of FQS, introduced the journal to the participants. He said that it was hard in the beginning to launch the journal, but he had confidence and would work hard to make it a success.  

Four keynote presentations were given by Ian Ferguson, Yujin Hao, Mansel W. Griffiths and Shuo Wang. Thirty presenters shared their reports in two forums focusing on fruit quality biology and food science and technology. The salutatory was delivered by Yachun Yuan, the editor-in-chief of Zhejiang University Press.  

FQS, co-published by Oxford University Press and Zhejiang University Press, is founded and supported by Zhejiang University. FQS launched its first issue in March 2017 and aims to provide the most up-to-date and high-quality information on areas including food materials, food chemistry, food microbiology and safety, and food engineering and nutritional value. FQS has successfully made it into the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals.  

With the full support of Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University Press is preparing a series of high-quality international journals and will publish them in the coming years, said Yachun Yuan in the welcoming speech of the conference. 

The International Conference of Food Quality and Safety and The 4th Fruit Quality Biology is held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.